The first transnational meeting of the project consortium for the new Erasmus+ project “MC Chef” was held last week. Along with an inspiring personal introduction of partners, the meeting focused on an intensive exchange about microcredentials and their diverse implementation in individual partner countries. Thanks to careful preparation and valuable expert contributions, the project team has already successfully developed the first draft of the future curriculum – representing a significant step towards the project objectives. The meeting proceeded in an exciting and productive atmosphere and resulted in numerous new ideas. The project team enthusiastically anticipates the next activities and further project progress.
The main goal of the “MC Chef” project is to develop flexible, digital educational content and microcredentials for chefs, aiming to adapt education to labor market needs and increase employability and workforce mobility within Europe. Within the project framework, we are developing a curriculum, online courses, and conducting real-world testing to ensure quality and practical applicability. The results will be available in multiple languages and free to use! Special focus is placed on including vulnerable groups, promoting sustainable practices in hospitality, and strengthening cooperation between educational institutions and employers.
Follow us for more information about the project’s progress!

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