Implementation period: January 1st 2020 – November 11th 2022
Erasmus + Strategical partnership – Innovations in the adult education
Project coordinator: AZM Slovenian Public Adult Education Institution – Ljudska univerza
Partners: POU – Croatian Public Adult Education Institution, Greek partner – PROMEA –
Hellenic Society for The Promotion of Research and Development Methodologies E.E., FU –
Swedish Adult Education Association/Centre and CHAM – German registered, non- profit
Project value: 294,820,00 €
Duration: 26 months
Pučko otvoreno učilište Čakovec is a partner on an Erasmus+ projektu SpLenDEd (acronim
for “specific learning difficulties“ = poteškoće u učenju).
This project aims to develop a common assessment framework for learning providers, which
will cater for specific needs and particularities of adult learners with specific learning
difficulties (SpLDs), advancing their participation and engagement in learning activities. Role
of POU in the project will be to coordinate the collection of good practices, run the relevant
phone calls for practices, compile a good practice guide, contribute to the project’s
dissemination, organize a dissemination event (infoday) in Croatia, do the desk research,
conduct interviews or focus groups and participate in the transitional training event (LTT) in