On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, we held the first official online meeting of the InclusiGardens: Digital and Sustainable Pathways to Social Inclusion through Urban Gardening project. The meeting was attended by representatives of all partner organizations: Slovenian Društvo za permakulturo as the lead partner, and Public Open University Čakovec and eVRgreen Studio from the Netherlands as project partners.
This is an Erasmus+ small-scale partnership project in adult education that will promote social inclusion of vulnerable groups through urban gardening and digital tools. The project will run until May 2026, with a total value of 60,000 euros.
During the 18-month implementation period, we will develop several useful urban gardening tools: a digital portal with educational content, a practical e-toolkit, an e-cookbook with recipes using ingredients from urban gardens, and a special training program for urban gardeners.
All news about the project and its activities will be regularly published on our web and social media pages.

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